SAT test

The SAT course is the important test in order to complete university studies or to prepare for taking a master’s or doctoral degree, as it includes several stages, all of which target the student’s knowledge of the English language, and his proficiency in various subjects, as the test is what allows you to study in any of the American universities, as well as completing post-graduate studies, so many language institutes are interested in giving courses that help pass the SAT test.

Before accepting the SAT test, you must apply to study the SAT course, which helps you to pass the test and pass it successfully to enter your dream university.

What are the types of SAT test?

The Scholastic Assessment Test includes two types, and each of them has its own tasks:
SAT 1 test
It is a general test whose purpose is to assess the student’s proficiency in English in mathematics, and this is in order to know the extent of the student’s intelligence, and what is his ability to conclude in mathematics, and it must be known that in order to pass this test, you must study at the English First Institute.

SAT 2 test
As for the sat 2, it is known as the SAT Subjects Test, and it is specialized in a group of 20 specializations, making it specialized and advanced tests.

So that the student chooses the subjects that he will want to study at the university according to the college he wants to join, and takes the SAT test in it so that he can join an American university.

SAT Test Sections

The SAT test includes several sections that must be passed all of them, as follows:
Department of Reading and English Grammar

It is a test that contains 52 questions in reading and English grammar, to be answered in 65 minutes, and it aims to understand sentences and paragraphs in a sound manner, and it includes a group of different sciences, and the questions are divided into:

  • Link between graphics and text.
  • Rely on evidence and evidence to justify the answer.
  • Understand and extract ideas from between the lines.
  • Correct understanding depending on the content and format of the text.
Writing and language department

The aim of this test is to measure the student’s vocabulary of language. The duration of the test is 35 minutes, during which 44 questions are answered. It also identifies the student’s level in the use of grammar and punctuation, as the questions used are with these ideas:

  • Choose the sentence that fits the text.
  • Determine the choice of the correct word, in order to employ it in a way that helps to improve the sentence.
  • Identifying and discovering linguistic and spelling errors in the sentence as well as correcting them.
  • Improve some of certain excerpts within the text in order to develop the information it presents.
Mathematics department

It is the section that is divided into two sections inside it, and it is the longest test duration as it extends to 80 minutes, and it aims to know the student’s arithmetic abilities, geometry, algebra and functions, and other sections of mathematics.

Pass the SAT test by the English First Language Institute

In order to pass the SAT test, a specialized team must be assisted to help you practice and train for this test, which extends for 3 hours, so you can rely on English First to pass the test because it gives you all of the following:
  • It helps you to see the nature of the questions that are found in the different selection sections.
  • It gives you the opportunity to practice for the exam with set time to finish each part of the exam on time.
  • Training to learn the strategies of developing the correct answer, with the ability to overcome wrong answers, in addition to knowing how to deal with and pass difficult questions.
  • How to select the material and get the answer you seek reading comprehension questions.
  • It helps you to recognize the common types of errors that are in English grammar in particular, as well as the appropriate placement of punctuation marks.
  • Training on how to draft articles and strategies for brainstorming.
  • It gives you the opportunity to review and summarize the mathematical laws and practice how to retrieve them, through training to improve memory.
  • Make study plans to prepare for the SAT Subject Test.
  • Practice identifying question keywords, giving you the ability to put together the correct answer.
  • Periodically simulate the SAT test, giving you the confidence needed to pass the test.

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